. ATG . Theatre Companies . Venues .


Ryan Ricci


Axe Soup is a new independent theatre company aimed at developing a place for creatives to be able to extend their skills as theatre practitioners by being inventive and experimental in a caring and supportive environment. We welcome people from all backgrounds of experience to come on board and offer their skills to learn from each other and grow.

We are also focused on developing work that can be moved from one city to another and effectively offering participants the opportunity to travel with a show. We want to break down the barriers of the states and stage shows in Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane... anywhere a theatre audience can be found. By aide of friends and family, we hope to be able to tour shows and offer actors and technical teams the ability to extend their skills by performing to new audiences and in new venues.

Axe Soup is still a developing company, and we value every offer of assistance. If you would like to lend a hand, whatever city you are in, please contact Ryan Ricci at ryan.ricci@hotmail.com to find out about our latest project.