Printable CopyNUNSENSE
Blackwood Players Inc
Blackwood 21 (Blackwood Memorial Hall)
Until 04 Jun 2016

Review by Luke Wagner

How do you solve a problem like a mass accidental killing? Why you stage a musical of course.

The Blackwood Players present this funny musical with witty songs and for the first time in a long time, live music to accompany their players.

Nunsense follows The Sisters of Hoboken as they hold a benefit show to raise money to bury a few nuns who didn’t get buried after a nasty cooking mistake by Sister Julia, Child of God. Lucky for the Sisters, amongst them are a former tightrope walker, former country singer and a former ballet dancer, which helps them put on a knock out show.

Director Selena Britz has done a spectacular job with her all female cast of 11. The cast gelled really well as ensemble. Whilst chorography in a habit may seem impossible, these girls pulled of some brilliant all in group numbers and were able to show of some pretty good skills. Whist the show could have easily slipped into the revue category, all the actors held well rounded characters and each had a unique charm to them. The chorus nuns need to smile just a little though so they remain engaged.

Amanda James as the Reverend Mother Sister Mary Regina was delightful. She managed to develop a really well rounded character and set a solid pace for the cast. Eve McMillan as Sister Mary Hubert, Katherine Chase as Sister Robert Anne and Tiffany Barbary as Sister Mary Leo all managed to impress in their respective habits. Each bought a great deal of energy and professionalism to their roles.

Karina Black as Sister Mary Amnesia was an absolute standout. Black has a stunning high register to her voice which soared to the heavens. Her comic timing was absolutely on point and she delivered some brilliant moment including some of the best bird calls ever heard.

Other special mentions go to Kristy Williamson for directing the band who did a superb job throughout and to Lauren Bannard whose vocal direction was on point. The choral harmonies were heavenly.

This show was a really fun night of entertainment. This cast of strong female performers, under the direction and musical direction of other great female theatre makers is a perfect case for empowerment and equality. These ladies will be sure to lift and bless your spirits.