University of Adelaide Theatre Guild
The Little Theatre


Written By: William Shakespeare
Directed By: Brant Eustice

“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child”

King Lear explores themes of power, betrayal and excessive pride.

Ageing ruler, Lear, decides to divide his realm into three parts to be shared between his daughters, and then go into retirement. All the daughters need to do is declare their love. Unfortunately, Cordelia does not play along and is banished. His other two daughters do not enjoy his extended stays and he finds himself betrayed and cast aside.

Lear descends into madness and tragedy ensues.

Featuring Michael Eustice as Lear

With Robert Baulderstone, Imogen Deller-Evans, Sean Flierl, Rebecca Kemp, Mike Leach, Sharon Malujlo, Harry Passehl, Geoff Revell, Tony Sampson, Georgia Stockham, Rhoda Sylvester, Tom Tassone, Tracey Walker, Mick Young and Lizzie Zeuner.

Approx. Running Time: 3hrs
Suitable for ages: 13+

Performance Dates:
16th August at 7:30pm
17th August at 7:30pm
18th August at 40pm
21st August at 7:30pm
22nd August at 7:30pm
23rd August at 7:30pm
24th August at 7:30pm
25th August at 4pm

Little Theatre

